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Souderton/Telford Parks, Recreation & Culture Map

The latest map showing all Parks, Recreation and Cultural destinations in Souderton and Telford Boroughs has been completed recently and is available for download.  Thanks to the Montgomery County Planning Commission / Indian Valley Regional Planning Commission for this interactive PDF that includes direct links to web pages related to the destinations. There is also an interactive PDF of the Indian Valley area parks available for download here.

Souderton Community Park

Wile Avenue and Reliance Road

“Music to your ears.” This handsome, covered outdoor theatre stage was constructed as a result of funding received from the Souderton-Telford Rotary Club and was dedicated to the Souderton Centennial Celebration on June 14, 1987. Donations for the construction came from individual club members and local businesses. The band shell is equipped with electric and an excellent lighting system. One unique aspect of the band shell is the arched laminated beam forming the front of the roof.

Beginning each June and continuing every Sunday through the beginning of August, "Concert Sundaes in the Park" features various musical concerts and programs geared for people of all ages. These free concerts start at 7 p.m. Each week a different community service club sells ice cream! Program booklets are available at the Borough Office. (In the case of inclement weather, the scheduled event is held in the auditorium of the Indian Crest Middle School, 139 Harleysville Pike Rt. 113).

In honor of Souderton's 100th Anniversary Celebration, joint efforts of the Indian Valley Kiwanis Club and the Centennial Committee enabled the construction of this spacious sheltered picnic area. The pavilion is equipped with picnic tables, electric, lighting, and water. Reservations are required to use the pavilion during summer months. Check with the Borough Office for availability. Modular playground equipment is adjacent to the pavilion.

Please enjoy the Souderton Community Park and kindly keep it clean for all to enjoy. Take time out of your busy schedule to relax on our park walk, while enjoying the peace and tranquility offered for your enjoyment. 

For the "Community Park Reservation Form" and "Rules & Regulations," please contact our Souderton Borough Municipal Office at 215-723-4371, located at: 31 W Summit St, Souderton PA 18964.

**Please do not assume that your dates are reserved until the deposit payment has been paid. Borough Executive Christine Nicholas will confirm your event information with you.

Click to reserve Souderton Park Pavilion online or print out Park Pavilion Rental Form 

Read more about Souderton Community Park

Holly’s Hill Park

Wile Avenue, and Diamond Street

Nearly 4 acres of passive open space, located at Wile Avenue and Diamond Street. The site has paved walking paths, benches, and a great view. It is a fabulous place to take a peaceful stroll.

Chestnut Street Playground

Wile Avenue and W. Chestnut Street

Located at the corner of Wile Avenue and W. Chestnut Street, this area features playground equipment for children and toddlers, a gazebo and picnic area. This park is currently under construction to replace old, dated play equipment with a new accessible modular play structure, new individual pieces of play equipment and new accessible walking paths. This project is funded with a $195,000 Community Development Block Grant and private fundraising efforts through the Chestnut Street Community Cares fundraising project chaired by Jen Ruggiero and the Souderton Mennonite Church. This effort raised over $90,000 in matching funds. The construction work is expected to be completed in June 2014 and followed by an opening community celebration.

West Street Park

Located on West Street, south of Green Street.

This park is quietly tucked behind residential neighborhoods, designed for passive recreation along a small stream that cuts through the park. The park features picnic areas, playground equipment and tennis courts.

Lawn Avenue Park

Lawn Avenue and Washington Avenue This site, previously known as the Lawn Avenue Tot Lot, recently received a complete renovation. Where outdated playground equipment and a small ice-skating pond once stood, we now have a baseball field, batting cage, walking paths, lighting, and new off-street parking.

We have also installed new playground equipment geared toward kids ages 2 to 12. The new equipment features a swing set and two modular play pieces and is enclosed in a fenced-in area. The pavilion is perfect place for snacks, picnic lunches, and spending time out of the sun. From the pavilion, parents will be able to keep an eye on their kids on the playground or watch a pick-up baseball game.